The Absolute Brightness of Leonard Pelkey


Name: The Absolute Brightness of Leonard Pelkey
By: James Lecesne
Narrated by: James Lecesne
Length 1 hr and 2 mins
Category: LGBT, Literature & Fiction
Release Date: 2019-06-19
Language: English

Sudden, mysterious disappearance of a flamboyant 14-year-old boy, Leonard Pelkey starts the story. His outlandishly buoyant spirit and eccentric style often clash with the subdued color palette of this town. Chuck DeSantis, the local detective, shoulders the responsibility of unearthing the events surrounding Leonard’s disappearance. While not traditionally the protagonist, Chuck serves as the lens through which we experience the townspeople and their reactions to Leonard. As Chuck interrogates the town’s residents, we meet a range of characters. There’s Ellen Hertle, Leonard’s guardian and a local hairdresser, grappling with the reality of the loss. Her daughter, Phoebe, is a teenage girl who was somewhat befriended by Leonard, and is learning about the broader spectrum of humanity through his disappearance. Buds, the local clock repairman, shares valuable insights on Leonard’s nature, adding depth to the narrative. Marion Tochterman, an elderly drama coach, has her own revealing anecdotes about Leonard, contributing further to the multifaceted portrait of the boy. Throughout the story, each character adds a brushstroke to the vivid portrait of Leonard, allowing his absolute brightness to shine posthumously. Through the eyes of the townspeople, we get to know Leonard: an individual unapologetically himself, embodying a radiant spirit that outshines societal norms and prejudice. Gradually, as Chuck delves deeper, the unsettling truth of Leonard’s fate is revealed. In an ominous turn of events, it becomes clear that Leonard was targeted for his absolute brightness – his unyielding authenticity that threatened the town’s status quo. Despite the tragedy, his spirit continues to reverberate, inspiring change in a town that had grown stagnant. In its essence, the story serves as a poignant reminder of the beauty inherent in authenticity and the power one person can wield to inspire transformation, even after they’re gone. Leonard Pelkey’s absolute brightness touches everyone he meets, forever altering their perceptions and their lives. Keep Fisher’s Light and Heidi’s Guide to Four Letter Words for backup if you are interested in serious and meaningful stuff in the future.

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